Acousmatic work
Composer: Jon Fielder
Lösgöra (Swedish for “detach”)is an acousmatic work that explores sound on its terms. The source material for this works consists primarily of sampled audio that has been processed and manipulated to remove the sounds from their typically associated contexts and place them in a more abstract musical context. Singing becomes guttural drones, smashing oil cans become percussive drums, a guitar is used only for the gritty scraping of its strings, and an uncooperative tape measure serves as a returning foreground element throughout the piece. Sonic materials consist primarily of sampled audio with some use of synthesized sounds. The title Lösgöra comes from my growing interest in composing acousmatic music with sound objects free of any real-world contextual meaning. The use of Swedish translation is a nod to acousmatic music of various Swedish composers (specifically Rolf Enstrom and Ake Parmerud)which has been a growing source of inspiration to me.
Lösgöra was written for the 2016 Ears, Eyes and Feet concert at the University of Texas at Austin. This piece served as the audio component of a collaboration for dance, integrated media and music titled “Oculus”