Part of respirateur, Graft Blossom, for clavichord and electronics, is an open work in which the performer creates a form for each performance
Composer: Fredrick Gifford
Year of Composition: 2016
Instrumentation: clavichord
Type of Electronics: Fixed
Number of Channels: 2
Duration: ca. 7'30
Video Component: None
Graft Blossom’s form exhibits a degree of openness – the performer chooses an order for the three parts (there are two hinges for clavichord, and hotplate for toy piano). These choices, in turn, influence the order of events in the electronics part, called filament (which is based on recorded piano harmonics and clavichord sounds). In this way, each performance of Graft Blossom is a unique arrangement of the work’s parts, offering the listener a situation analogous to the moving viewer of the Duchamp work that it inspired it.