Member Profile: Jason Thorpe Buchanan

Short Bio
Jason Thorpe Buchanan’s works have been commissioned and performed internationally by ensembles such as Alarm Will Sound, Ensemble Interface, Nikel (Israel), Linea (FR), Insomnio (NL), Slagwerk Den Haag (NL), MIVOS Quartet, IKTUS Percussion, The Industry, wild Up, the [Switch~ Ensemble], OSSIA, and the Eastman Musica Nova Ensemble, among others. Nominated for the 2015 Gaudeamus Prize, three of his works were presented at Muziekweek in Sep.2015. Scenes from Hunger have received performances at Darmstadt (2014), The Industry’s FIRST TAKE in L.A. (2015), & the MATA Interval Series in NYC with the [Switch~ Ensemble]. “Hunger is a kind of training session in mental disintegration… cuts the ear like a knife. Buchanan delivers.” - LA Times.
Honors & awards: Fulbright Fellowship (Hamburg, Germany 2010-11), Artist-in-Residence USF Verftet, Norway (2015), American-Scandinavian Foundation Grant, ASCAP Morton Gould Award (2014 & 15), Howard Hanson Orchestral Prize, Iron Composer (2014), newEar Composer’s Competition, commissions from Mizzou Int. Composers Festival, Int. Horn Society, Tzlil Meudcan (Tel Aviv), Chamber Music Campania (Italy), the NYC Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gaudeamus Muziekweek, and others. Executive Director of the VIPA Festival (Spain), Artistic Director of the [Switch~ Ensemble], & PhD candidate at the Eastman School of Music, where he served as course instructor in electronic music and composition, as well as assistant conductor for the Musica