Member Profile: Will Huff

Short Bio
Currently an analyst at a management consulting firm, Will Huff (b. 1986) is a Chicago resident whose composition draws its inspiration primarily from American and European minimalism & post-minimalism, but is also informed by algorithmic procedures with an increasing interest in big data. Rising: Contemporary Music at UI describes Will Huff's sound as "dramatically suggesting themes of assembling, breaking apart, and reassembling." His music has been featured on festivals including Omaha Under the Radar, Exchange of Midwest Collegiate Composers, Midwest Composers Symposium, and the Eastern Trombone Workshop. Recent focus has been devoted to algorithmic composition, Max/MSP, and liminal phenomena. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa where he studied with David Gompper and Lawrence Fritts. Other mentors include Michael Schelle, Frank Felice, and Robert Mueller.