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2024-2025, Winter Newsletter
Member news, plus an article from SEAMUS Diversity Officer, Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at SEAMUS, Announcement of the CREATE Grant winners from VP for Programs and Projects, Leah Reid, and a letter from the SEAMUS President, Mark Vaughn.
2021-2022 Issue
Concert reviews and discussions with past and present SEAMUS Presidents, and a plethora of member news!
2019/20, ISSUE NO. 1 – FALL
Womxn Who Build Spiritual Machines by Sofy Yuditskaya, Member News, and more
2018/19, ISSUE NO. 3 – SUMMER
This issue has a power-packed interview with Anne La Berge, which includes several interesting links throughout and at the end. Also, another great essay from Dusan Ragland and a surprise book review from SEAMUS CD Series Director ScoG Miller.
2018/19, ISSUE NO. 2 – WINTER
The interview, report, and message from President Ted Coffey published in this newsleOer seem unified around themes important to current SEAMUS members and thought: diversity, inclusion, and evoluEon.
2018/19, ISSUE NO. 1 – FALL
This issue includes essays by former (and hopefully continuing) newsletter contributors Dustin Ragland and Lou Bunk, and an interview
with multi-instrumentalist, composer, and historian of electronic music Tara Rodgers (aka analog tara) by SEAMUS President Ted Coffey
2017/18, ISSUE NO. 3 – SUMMER
David M. Luftig, Research Services Librarian at the University of Dayton, takes up several important questions related to the challenges and benefits of maintaining the University of Illinois Experimental Music Studios’ archive.
2017/18, ISSUE NO. 2 – WINTER
We welcome our new board members, including SEAMUS President Ted Coffey, Vice President for Membership Konstantinos Karathanasis, and Member-at-Large Eli Fieldsteel.
2017/18, ISSUE NO. 1 – FALL
A group interview with the six permanent faculty members of SPLICE - an organization that started with a summer institute at Western Michigan University and has now grown to include an ensemble and festival as well