Abby Aresty, Vice President for Membership
Application Form
- Foster connections between SEAMUS members at different stages in their careers and/or in different geographical locations.
- Help make the SEAMUS conference application process more accessible to new members.
- Support underrepresented community members by providing access to experienced mentors with knowledge of DEI issues; connect underrepresented mentors with underrepresented mentees where possible, if desired.
Target Audience
- Mentors
- Have been a SEAMUS member for at least one year
- Have successfully presented a peer-reviewed piece or a paper at a SEAMUS conference.
- Have capacity to meet with mentee(s) on a regular basis; setting aside at least 45 minutes per week is strongly encouraged,
- Commit to one training session to discuss program objectives and best practices.
- May also elect to join occasional group meetings for mentors to support one another in this work.
- Mentees
- Must either be a current SEAMUS member OR intend to apply to present at the next SEAMUS conference
- All potential mentees are welcome, but mentees from underrepresented groups and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
- Have capacity to meet with mentor on a regular basis.
- Commit to one training session to discuss program objectives and best practices.
- May also elect to join occasional group meetings for mentees to support one another in this work.
Tentative Program Structure and Timeline:
- Mid-July: Send mentor and mentee applications (via google forms) to membership; recruit participants
- August 20: Deadline for Mentee/Mentor Applications
- August 25: Match mentors and mentees
- Early-September: Group meeting(s) with mentors and mentees outlining program goals and best practices for cultivating positive mentor/mentee relationships.
- September through SEAMUS conference submission date: meetings with mentors/mentees. Optional monthly group meetings with mentors and mentees to offer additional support.
- After submission deadline: survey participants to gather feedback for next program iteration.
- Depending on timing/conference structure: encourage group (or individual) lunch or coffee at conference with mentors and mentees wherever possible.