Lucas Marshall Smith is a composer, performer, and educator who engages with solo, chamber, choral, orchestral, operatic, and electroacoustic music. His music endeavors to understand the human experience through the lenses of internal/external cognition, identity/representation, religion/spirituality, and tone/noise relationships. His doctoral thesis titled “Representations of Queer Identity in the Opera Fellow Travelers by Gregory Spears and Greg Pierce” reflects some of these interests.
Always anxious to collaborate with new musicians, Smith has received premieres and commissions from ensembles and music organizations including the Choral Composer/Conductor Collective (C4), ensemble loadbang, the
Smith received his D.M.A. and M.M. in Music Composition from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his B.M. in Music Composition and Music Education from Bowling Green State University. Some of his former composition teachers have included Burton Beerman, Carlos Carrillo, Christopher Dietz, Erin Gee, Marilyn Shrude, Reynold Tharp, Stephen Taylor, and electroacoustic studies with Elainie Lillios and Scott A. Wyatt.